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Your resume is essential to help you land your dream job. However, if there is anything unusual or out-of-the-ordinary on it, hiring managers and human resource personnel may inquire about it and place you low on their “favorite’s list.” So, what should you do if...

A job reference is an individual who can discuss your work ethic, performance, skills, etc., to a potential employer. It is someone who knows about your experience, talents, work habits, character, and more. As you apply for a new job, this is an individual whose...

Most interviewers assume that the candidate is showing up having done a bit of preparation. They (hopefully!) have researched the company and understand the role they are applying for. Maybe they have been practicing some sample questions, such as “Why should we hire you?,” or “What can you offer to the company?” But what about when the interviewer throws out an unexpected question? Being put on the spot is the time when a candidate truly has to perform.  This also offers the interviewer a good opportunity to discern potential employees from applicants. Want to stay ahead of the game? Prepare to be asked these questions: interview questions

Many of you will probably agree, that writing resumes is no fun. It’s time-consuming, and in many cases, seems like a futile effort when you just keep getting rejection emails or don’t get a call for the job. The good news though, is that with a bit of focus on your resume and how you craft it, you can start expecting to get more callbacks and actually get noticed and not just sent to the discard pile. resume

The increasing amount of work performed online and the quick advancement of technology in the workplace means it is becoming simpler than ever to stay behind a screen. Interaction with your boss happens via email and instant message at the office, you text your co-workers and colleagues, and orders from clients come through your online ordering platform. Despite all of this, if you want to move up in your career, honing your professional communication skills is a critical step. Here’s what you need to focus on: communication