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3 ways to know you aren’t built for a desk job


3 ways to know you aren’t built for a desk job

For many of us, the classic 9-5 job life at the office is alluring:

  • you have your evenings and weekends free
  • you get to leave work and go home when the five o’clock rolls around
  • the job comes with vacation, holiday, and health benefits
  • and a paycheck

However, this working style can be stressful if it’s not the right fit for you.

Here are some things to watch for to indicate that you might need a different type of working environment:


Restless at work

You get up and go to the staff room multiple times a day, just for something to do. Maybe you walk over to colleagues’ desk so often you get next to nothing done. Or, you are constantly fidgeting, re-crossing your legs or re-organizing your desk and can’t seem to get comfortable.

If these things sound like you, the reality of a desk job is that you may not be able to sit still long enough to sustain one!

Your restlessness may stem from a lack of challenge in your current position, or an inability to use certain traits and strengths that you have such as high levels of creativity.

Dread the start of the day

Being in a desk job, might not be for you if you don’t like a consistent daily routine.

This could be because you find it hard to:

  • stay focused and concentrate that long
  • you aren’t most productive within the confines of certain times
  • because you would rather start and end your work on your own terms

When you find yourself waking up in the morning and thinking about the impending hours with despair, it might be time to think about changing jobs.

Dislike being told what to do

For many people, working at a desk job comes with an authoritative figure (working at a desk nearby) who you regularly report to, or who regularly checks in on you and gives you feedback and assignments.

If you don’t like being told what to do, or don’t respond well to deadlines, you might not be built for the office.

If this is the case, be sure to take a closer look at what the root of the issue is: is it that you don’t like being told what to do, don’t like being under a supervisor, or simply don’t want to have to do certain things at certain times?

Being really clear on where the breakdown occurs is key in fixing it and finding a more suitable position.


Struggling to find the job that fits you best? It might be time to work with a recruiter to make sure you find a position that leaves you happy and fulfilled. 
