16 Jan 5 Signs that You Are an Indispensable Employee
When it comes to your job, you want to be valued. You want to become an indispensable employee who your managers need, rely on, and want around. But, how can you determine if you are this type of employee or just someone who blends in with the crowd?
Let’s take a look at five signs that you are a valuable employee – not to mention, a critical part of your company’s team.
You are reliable
Do you meet deadlines? Complete all assigned work? Respond to emails and other messages? These small things can make a difference in how your managers and other leaders view you. Managers want someone they can count on — someone who is reliable. Managers need someone they don’t have to worry about in the workplace and continually be looking over their shoulder to ensure all work is completed. You’re on your way to being THAT indispensable employee!
You go the extra mile
Are you willing to take on an extra assignment last minute? Do you put forth a little extra effort to complete your projects and all assigned work? These small details will show your employers that you value your job, that you enjoy it, and you are willing to do all you can to stay on the team.
You are enjoyable to be around
Statistics show that companies with happy employees do better than their competition by up to 20% and these cheerful employees are 12% more productive. This means that your positive attitude and your bright smile not only makes it easier for others — and yourself — to go to work each day, but it also improves the company. To help you evaluate your workplace attitude, ask yourself the following questions:
- How do you handle unexpected challenges or obstacles?
- Do you have a lot of friends in the workplace?
- How often do you make a negative, mean, or snide comment?
- Do you participate in workplace gossip and unnecessary drama?
By answering honestly to the above questions, you can better assess how others may gauge your attitude and happiness levels in the workplace.
You have strong time management skills
How you spend your time at work plays a significant role in your success. If you can manage your time well, you better meet your deadlines, you spend less time distracting other employees, you can solve problems faster, and your overall performance is better than those who do not. You are also happier with your job and you will not have to work so many extra hours to complete your regular assignments.
You work to improve yourself
A quality that managers look for is the ability to accept criticism. Some individuals struggle with constructive criticism and quickly disregard it. But, with superstar employees, they ask for feedback, think about it, and actively apply it to their lives. They know that it will help them become better and help them achieve success.
When you are an indispensable and likable employee, you not only are on the short list for upcoming promotions and raises, but you also enjoy your day-to-day routine, are happier, and outshine many average team players.