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When it comes to building your business, few things end up being more important than your staff. It’s your staff who are in the thick of it day in and day out, and you want to know you have the right people in those positions. The best thing you can do is find a recruitment agency who you are confident with to take on the task of finding the right talent for your team. Develop a relationship with the recruitment team and pretty soon you’ll have a great staff behind your company. Here’s how to choose the right agency: recruitment

Job seekers used to worry their social media profiles could keep them from landing their dream job. And for good reason. After all, photos of keg stands don’t exactly scream, “future executive.” Shying away from social media, however, is not the answer. With recent surveys showing that 92% of companies and recruiters use social media to find job applicants, today’s savvy job seekers leverage social media to their job hunting advantage. Here are three ways you can do the same. social media

Even if you’re not actively seeking work, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. You never know when an opportunity will come your way and you want to be ready when it does. This could mean anything from an offer to work at a new company or a promotion within your own organization. When these openings come your way, you want to be ready to take action and being prepared in advance means you can act fast to get your name in the ring. Here are the top five career tools to have ready for action: career tools

You would have to be under a rock, inside a hole, in the middle of the desert to not know LinkedIn and Facebook. But, many people think of them as an individual user tools, for personal professional promotion and social use, and not enough for business recruiting purposes. But that kind of logic could cost you great opportunities to connect with the perfect candidate. LinkedIn has over 380 million members as of 2015, and over 100 million are in the U.S. And as we discussed in our article about jobseekers ditching paper resumes, LinkedIn profiles have essentially become the leading way to promote yourself in the job market. Social Media for Recruiting

Using social media for recruiting can be highly effective when done smartly.

The days of the mailed paper resume are long, long gone. But even the emailed variety is dying a slow death. Sure, interested employers still ask for a traditional CV once you are at the interview stage, but finding a job by sending out a cover letter and resume to dozens of companies is pretty old school. 93% of companies now use LinkedIn for recruiting purposes -- for not only searching for candidates, but also for publishing opportunities. In other words, get thee to a computer and polish your profile. linked in profile tips