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It’s the moment you have been waiting for: the call about the dream job you interviewed for last week! Everything about the job was exactly what you wanted and having left the interview feeling like it went well, you were awaiting the call with good confidence in your chance for success. Unfortunately, though, the call starts with “we’re sorry to say . . .” and then you know what comes next. While it is disappointing, it happens to all of us and more important than the outcome is what you do with it when you receive it. Here’s how to make the most of the rejection call so you can succeed the next time. job

You already have the basic interview must-dos down – on time (or a little early), neatly dressed, easy on the perfume or cologne, etc. But everyone knows that, right? So what interview tips can you follow to edge out the others and get the best chance possible of landing the job? Interview tips

Here are interview tips that go above and beyond: