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The interview stage of a hiring process is a significant determinant to finding your ideal next employee. During this meeting, you will learn more about your job candidates and envision how they may fit in your workplace.   During the job interview, you have a window of...

Your resume is essential to help you land your dream job. However, if there is anything unusual or out-of-the-ordinary on it, hiring managers and human resource personnel may inquire about it and place you low on their “favorite’s list.” So, what should you do if...

When you walk into a job interview, you want to make an immediate impression. While being prepared, your personality and even your resume will all contribute to your overall impression and the likelihood of getting the job, there is still basic interview etiquette you need...

You already have the basic interview must-dos down – on time (or a little early), neatly dressed, easy on the perfume or cologne, etc. But everyone knows that, right? So what interview tips can you follow to edge out the others and get the best chance possible of landing the job? Interview tips

Here are interview tips that go above and beyond: