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The increasing amount of work performed online and the quick advancement of technology in the workplace means it is becoming simpler than ever to stay behind a screen. Interaction with your boss happens via email and instant message at the office, you text your co-workers and colleagues, and orders from clients come through your online ordering platform. Despite all of this, if you want to move up in your career, honing your professional communication skills is a critical step. Here’s what you need to focus on: communication

Resigning from your job can be met with a series of mixed emotions. On one hand you may be excited because you have new and exciting job opportunities that you are moving towards. You may also be nervous about that same new job, or maybe even relieved knowing you are leaving your current job. You may also be sad to leave and unsure of what the future holds. Regardless of what is true for you, there is a right and a wrong way to resign and set the process in motion. Here’s how to do it the right way: resign