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Most interviewers assume that the candidate is showing up having done a bit of preparation. They (hopefully!) have researched the company and understand the role they are applying for. Maybe they have been practicing some sample questions, such as “Why should we hire you?,” or “What can you offer to the company?” But what about when the interviewer throws out an unexpected question? Being put on the spot is the time when a candidate truly has to perform.  This also offers the interviewer a good opportunity to discern potential employees from applicants. Want to stay ahead of the game? Prepare to be asked these questions: interview questions

If you’ve been out in the workforce for more than a decade, you may feel that you have become somewhat of an expert – or at least very confident – at what you do. For some, that means better pay, a higher position, and more job security. But some people start to toy with the idea of going back to school mid-career. While ten years into a legal or medical career is still fairly new to the job, for most industries people feel pretty seasoned by the ten-year mark. And that’s fine…unless it isn’t. going back to school mid-career

Is going back to school mid-career a good idea? Maybe.